Construction Sector – Covid-19

Construction Sector – Covid-19

The Construction Sector Accord Steering Group, has been working closely with the Government on support packages for the industry and to maintain business confidence during and after the COVID-19 disruption, and as such the Government has announced the COVID-19 Response Plan for the Construction Sector. The Response Plan focuses on supporting the entire building and construction sector and ensuring the supply chain is ready to quickly restart on an accelerated work programme once restrictions are lifted.

The Response Plan has three key phases:
Phase 1: maintain – retain a viable sector during the shutdown
Phase 2: restart – ensure readiness to restart works and accelerate projects
Phase 3: transform – refocus on high performance

Driving the Response Plan’s work are 5 priorities

  1. Maintaining and accelerating the pipeline of work and removing barriers to restarting works
  2. Keeping cash flowing in the sector
  3. Ensuring a fair and consistent approach to how contractor costs are covered and/or reimbursed during the shutdown
  4. Additional financial and other support that could be available for employees and business owners
  5. New health and safety guidelines to ensure the safe return to work

The Response Plan will continue to develop as many of the actions in it are still being worked through and because there is still uncertainty about how long the COVID-19 disruption will last.

You can read a copy of the Response Plan HERE

LInk to the Construction Sector Accord website.

Link to Covid-19: Building and construction sector guidance notes


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