Be safe working in the sun

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Be safe working in the sun

“When I can’t see or feel the sun, I’m safe and can’t get burnt, right?” Wrong! We can’t see or feel UV radiation. Sunlight or warmth from the sun is not the same as UV radiation and exposure to it may increase the chance of developing serious health conditions, such as skin cancer.

If you or the people who work for you work outdoors, you need to know what the risks are and how to manage them. Explore what higher-level control measures you can use to keep out of the sun. This may include re-scheduling outdoor tasks, moving work indoors, or providing shade structures. If this isn’t possible, use lower-level control measures such as protective clothing, hats and eyewear, and SPF 50+ sunscreen.

Encourage your workers to regularly check their skin and see a doctor if they’re worried about a mole, freckle or spot. For more information, check out WorkSafe’s new protecting workers from solar UV radiation quick guide, including more sun safety myths. The Health Promotion Agency also has a range of resources to help businesses and workers manage risks from solar UV radiation at work.

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