Charter levies

powerpoint charter

Charter levies

In August this year we asked for your continued financial support through our member levies. Your invoice may look a little bit different this year as it is now sent directly to you from the Charter office.

Your Charter levy is based on the size of your organisation, that is, the number of full time equivalent (FTE) employees you have. It does not include contractors, sub-contractors or hired labour.

The table below details the FTE count and applicable Invoice amount excluding GST.

FTE count 0-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100+
Levies for 2018/2019















Your levies continue to provide our members with improved resources, regular newsletters and updates, professional workshops and ongoing Charter events with exciting and stimulating speakers.

All this activity is achieved through the strong work of our Charter team with voluntary support from Charter Working Group members, in addition to the H&S Reps and professional Services Working Group members.

The costs associated with running the Charter are largely funded by WorkSafe and supported by the modest levies we collect from you as a Charter signatory and member.

We look forward to your continued support.

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