Review of ‘Bridging the Gap’ workshop


Review of ‘Bridging the Gap’ workshop


The “Bridging the Gap” workshop was full of highlights and genuine conversation, sharing multiple sides of the construction industry ranging from the main contractor, subcontractor and all the others in between.

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss and explore ways to ‘bridge the gap’ between main contractors and subcontractors, working together to effectively implement health and safety on their shared work sites.

Sharing the sub contractor’s perspective was Glenn Munro, General Manager, Properly Plaster followed by John Cleary General Manager, Contract Construction who shared the main contractor’s point of view. Both speakers shared real experiences, expectations, concerns and tips on how to unite and truly work together to implement an effective health and safety culture within the industry.

This shared openness encouraged attendees to open-up and have genuine conversations about the realities that come from working together with multiple and different company cultures; workshopping ideas of how to work together better.

These discussions were absolutely a treasure chest of wisdom, knowledge and ideas, which will be converted into a ‘Bridging the Gap’ Toolbox talk.  The completed toolbox talk will be available to all Safety Charter members to utilise and benefit from.

A huge thank you to participants for attending the 1st ever Health & Safety Practitioners Working Group workshop and especially for your input and participation in supporting ‘Bridging the Gap’ and working towards making our workplaces safer.

Contract Construction reinforcing by example.

The Contract Construction team of John Cleary, General Manager, Stephanie Cerpa, Health and Safety Manager and Nathan Karu, Leading Hand combined forces to support the Safety Charter event ‘Bridging the Gap’ workshop.

As master of ceremonies, Nathan brought his site experience and cheeky personality into the mix, bringing an extremely relatable approach to the workshop.  John Cleary stepped in the very last minute, due to the initial presenter being unwell.  John shared his genuine perspective of the main contractor’s point of view.  This lead the way for ‘real conversations’ to take place during the workshop session hosted by Stephanie Cerpa, sharing the facilitation with Liz Hodgson, The Christchurch Art Centre.

To have health and safety implemented in all areas of your business, it must come from every employee within your company, supporting and leading the way.

Contract Construction demonstrated a really good example of what good Health and Safety culture from the top-down and down-up looks like.


Steph Cerpa, Contract Construction

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