Canterbury Safety Charter - Membership Account

Membership Levels

Main Group

You may select only one level from this group.

Level Price  
Individual (I)

Annual Membership for Individual (I) invidual is $50+gst and runs from July 1st to June 30th each year. Your cost today is $50+gst pro rata for the remainder of this year until 30th June, then $50+gst each year from July 1st.

Small Enterprise (SE)

Annual Membership for Small Enterprise (SE) organisations is $100+gst and runs from July 1st to June 30th each year. Your cost today is $100+gst pro rata for the remainder of this year until June 30th, then $100+gst each year from July 1st.

Small/Medium enterprise (SME)

Annual Membership for Small/Medium enterprise (SME) organisations is $100+gst and runs from July 1st to June 30th each year. Your cost today is $100+gst pro rata for the remainder of this year until June 30th, then $100+gst each year from July 1st.

Medium enterprise (ME)

Annual Membership for Medium enterprise (ME) organisations is $150+gst and runs from July 1st to June 30th each year. Your cost today is $100+gst pro rata for the remainder of this year until June 30th, then $150+gst each year from July 1st.

Medium to Large (MLE)

Annual Membership for Medium to Large (MLE) organisations is $300+gst and runs from July 1st to June 30th each year. Your cost today is $300+gst pro rata for the remainder of this year until June 30th, then $300+gst each year from July 1st.

Large Enterprise (LE)

Annual Membership for Large Enterprise (LE) organisations is $700+gst and runs from July 1st to June 30th each year. Your cost today is $700+gst pro rata for the remainder of this year until June 30th, then $700+gst each year from July 1st.

Very large enterprise (VLE)

Annual Membership for Very large enterprise (VLE) organisations is $1,500+gst and runs from July 1st to June 30th each year. Your cost today is $1,500+gst pro rata for the remainder of this year until June 30th, then $1,500+gst each year from July 1st.

Employee Account

Included Employee Access


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